Travel with Dayvee

Can Cruises Truly Achieve Sustainability In Today’s World?

Understanding Sustainable Tourism 178684624

How do you solve the conflict of your love for traveling the seas, but also caring about the planet, knowing that overall the cruise industry isn’t the picture of sustainable travel?. With the knowledge that a single cruise ship can emit as much greenhouse gas as 12,000 cars, can cruises truly achieve sustainability? This post […]

Understanding The Impact Of Tourism Leakage On Local Economies

Understanding The Impact Of Tourism Leakage On Local Economies 218370137

You’re planning your next vacation and want to make a positive impact, right? Interestingly, about 50% of money spent on tourism ends up leaving the local destinations. This post will guide you through understanding and reducing this negative effect of travel called “tourism leakage” so that on your next trip you can be more proactive […]